Euro-Par 2018, Italy
Dr. Suresh Purini and his student Yash Khandelwal presented a paper on Cloud Federation Formation in Oligopolistic Markets at Euro-Par 2018, the 24th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing from 27 - 31 August at Turin, Italy. Euro-Par
Seminar on Conservation and Sustainable Utility of...
Dr. P Ramachandra Prasad co-organized a national seminar on Conservation and sustainable utility of phyto-resources in collaboration with Department of Botany, Maris Stella College, Vijayawada, on 17 August at their campus in Vijayawada.
E-Cell, IIIT-Hyderabad and E-Cell, IIT Hyderabad jointly organized the third edition of Megathon’18, the largest student-organized hackathon. Megathon'18 Online Round was from 15 July - 20 August around the theme ‘Women Safety and Cyber Crime’ open to all students of
Workshop on Martial Arts
Dr. William Sensei Brett Mayfield, an international martial artist and CEO of White River Health & Education Pvt. Ltd organized a martial arts workshop on 21 August at the institute football field. Dr. Mayfield’s scientific approach towards martial arts is
Carrom Workshop
Aditya Saripalli, M.Tech CSE (part-time) conducted a workshop on carrom on 17 August at Kadamba Nivas. Ten students participated in the enjoyable workshop and learnt some tricks of the game. Aditya showed the participants a few interesting carrom videos as well