Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP-...
Dr. Azeemuddin Syed participated in the Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP-2018), Hangzhou, China from 26 - 29 October. Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP) is the largest conference in the Asia-Pacific region on optical communication, photonics and relevant technologies.
oneM2M Developers Tutorial on Internet of Things(I...
IIIT-Hyderabad hosted a developer tutorial and hackathon from 27-28 October using open source implementation of oneM2M, developed by French research lab, LAAS – CNRS and organised by India EU ICT Standards Collaboration Project. The tutorial, conducted by a team of
National Workshop on Quantum Information and Infor...
National Workshop on Quantum Information and Information Security (NWQIIS) was hosted by IIIT-Hyderabad from 5 - 11 October. The workshop aimed to have a collaborative meeting on quantum information processing and information security where contemporary themes including Quantum Information, Quantum
British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC-2018)
IIIT-Hyderabad students and faculty presented the following papers at British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC-2018), Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK: Aditya Arun, C V Jawahar and M Pawan Kumar - Learning Human Poses from Actions Saurabh Saini and P J Narayanan -
International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV-2018)
Ishit Bhadresh Mehta presented a paper Structured Adversarial Training for Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation at the 6th International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV-2018), Verona, Italy from 5 - 8 September. This event is a premier platform for disseminating research results
Spatial Cognition 2018
Dr. Priyanka Srivastava attended Spatial Cognition 2018 in Tuebingen, Germany from 5 - 8 September. Spatial Cognition is concerned with the acquisition, organization, and utilization of knowledge about spatial objects and environments, be it real, virtual, or abstract, human or