IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (IS...
Dr. Zia Abbas and his students B B Yadav and M Kelam published a paper on A Compact Power Efficient Self-Adaptive and PVT Invariant CMOS Oscillator for RTC Applications at the 19th IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI),
Software Engineering Research Center (SERC) hosted the 2nd Software Engineering Research in India (SERI) Update Meeting online from 9 - 11 July using MSTeams and YouTube. This annual meeting is an informal event, with the aim of bringing together faculty,
Journal of Global Ecology and Biogeography
Dr. Rama Chandra Pillutla’s research on The Global Abundance of Tree Palms was published in Global Ecology and Biogeography journal. The journal, by Wiley Publishers, has an impact factor of 5.6. The paper was published as a consortium of 212
Design Automation Conference (DAC)
Koushik De working under the supervision of Dr. Zia Abbas published a paper on A novel fast and accurate AI driven diagnosis tool for clock path integrity in complex SOC at the 57th Design Automation Conference (DAC), San Francisco, 20
ACM Conference on Computers and Sustainable Societ...
Dr. Nimmi Rangaswamy and her student Siddhartha Jain presented a paper on Good Digital Identity: The Case of Aadhaar in India at the 3rd annual ACM Conference on Computers and Sustainable Societies COMPASS from 14 - 17 June at Guayaquil,
European Conference on Networks and Communications...
Varun Chhangani (Research Student working under the supervision of Prof. Vineet Gandhi), Rangeet Mitra (ETS Montreal, Canada) and Vimal Bhatia (IIT Indore) presented a paper on RFF Based Parallel Detection for Massive MIMO at the 29th and first on-line edition