31 March


Microsoft's annual - code.fun.do hackathon - Senior League competition is open to all registered students of IIIT Hyderabad, from UG (2nd year onwards), PG and Ph.D.

24 – 25 March


Music Cognition Symposium - Neural, Behavioural, Cultural, and Therapeutic Perspectives

5 – 7 March


Three days workshop on Tratak at Nirvana - NBH Yoga Hall. Tratak is an ancient meditation technique which refreshes mind, improves eyesight, concentration and will power.

13 April


A talk on Substance abuse and its effect on mental health by Dr. O. Jyothi and Dr. D. Swetha Reddy from Asha Hospital, Hyderabad.

14 April, IIM Bangalore


Seminar on Taking Research to Market by Prof. Vijay Chandru, Founder Director, Strand Life Sciences.

30 April – 4 May


Accelerator Design Hackathon - 2018 IIIT-H is organizing a Accelerator Design Hackathon which is open to all full-time students from any recognized educational institute in India. For more details visit: http://csg.iiit.ac.in/adh2018