Dr. Lalitha Vadlamani and Aaditya M Nair win first...
Aaditya M. Nair (Dual Degree, CS) and Dr. Lalitha Vadlamani of Signal Processing and Communications Research Center (SPCRC) won the first runner-up best paper award for their research on Maximally Recoverable Codes with Hierarchical Locality at the Silver Jubilee edition
Dr. Suresh Purini promoted as Associate Professor
Dr. Suresh Purini, Computer Systems Group has been promoted as Associate Professor from January 2019. His research areas are Compilers, parallel and distributed systems, virtualization, cloud computing and complexity theory (CVEST).
Dr. Sachin Chaudhari elevated IEEE Senior Member
Dr. Sachin Chaudhari has been elevated to the grade of IEEE Senior Member. IEEE Senior member is awarded to engineer, scientists, educators, technical executives, or originators in IEEE-designated field with experience reflecting professional maturity and have been in professional practice
Sreeja Kamishetty receives Venkat Panchapakesan Me...
Sreeja Kamishetty working under the supervision of Praveen Paruchuri has been selected for the Google Venkat Panchapakesan Memorial Scholarship. Every year Google offers the Venkat Memorial Scholarship to 6 students from India pursuing Computer Science or a closely related field.
Prof. P Krishna Reddy member of executive committe...
Prof. P Krishna Reddy has been appointed as a member of executive committee, Indian Society of Agricultural Information Technology (INSAIT), from October 2018.
Dr. Nimmi Rangaswamy on board of advisors of Unite...
Dr. Nimmi Rangaswamy has been inducted into the board of advisors for United Nations University - Institute of computing society. The United Nations University Institute on Computing and Society is an institute of the United Nations University (UNU), located in