IIITH Research Student’s Timely Effort At Buildi...


With the local civic body, Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) recently unveiling a portal to streamline relief operations in the city, we have our own Dual Degree student, Anukul Sangwan to thank for his timely contribution towards the initial prototype.

Living a life of learning


Sai Prasad Gollapudi recently obtained his doctorate in Computer Science and Engineering, a process that he began in 2009. As a living example of the adage, ‘You’re never too old to learn’, the 52-year-old talks of his motivations behind going

When An Internship Is King


What does it feel like to be studying under a Professor you idolized and whose talks on YouTube you once followed? And then again, what is it like to intern under the said Professor’s former advisor, a pioneer himself at

IIITH’s dual degree student Vaibhav Gupta’...


Every year-end, with just a few days left in it, institutions, individuals, and various other entities typically undertake a review exercise - a reflective ‘looking back’ of sorts where they take stock of the highs and the lows that marked

How To Sample A Semester At IIITH


Have you ever eyed those awesome courses offered at IIITH and regretted missing the bus? Well, thou shall covet no more. A lateral entry programme is not the only way to land up at the esteemed campus. There’s a possibility

How This Frenchman Came About An Internship Chez N...


It’s been raining international interns at IIITH lately. This time, we tracked down Marius Dufraisse for a tête-à-tête. Did you know he has quietly been working at the Machine Learning Lab for over 5 months? Well, now you do! ‘An