

Clash of Clusters On 1 August, with a creative Clash of Clusters prompt in hand, participants clicked the photos they deemed best-suited. Each cluster had to pick their top shot for each prompt and submit it before time ran out.

Decore – The Design Club


Funbits Funbits was an exciting challenge held on 1 August, where participants expressed their creativity through bitmojis, designing them according to the exciting prompts given to them. It was amazing to see such a huge participation from freshers this year. 

Skateboarding Club


Skateboarding Deck Painting On 3 August, participants jumped into the Skateboarding Deck Painting fun, transforming skateboard decks with vibrant spray paints and acrylics. August 2024

Open-Source Developers Group


Linux Fest: Intro to Dual Booting Intro to Dual Booting session was held on 31 July where presenters explained the process of dual booting Windows with Ubuntu along with a live demo. A follow up "Linux Fest: Troubleshooting & Doubt

Astronautics Club


Austronomy Quiz The Astronautics Club organized an exciting Astronomy Quiz on 31 July that attracted enthusiastic participation from students. Teams of 3 - 5 members engaged in two challenging rounds - a preliminary round followed by a Jeopardy-style contest, all

Clubs Council


Clubs Showcase The Clubs Showcase, hosted by the Clubs Council on 27 July, during Admission Panduga 2024, was a standout event for the new batch of students. It was heartening to see both students and parents actively engaging with the