

Movie Screening  On the request of freshers, the movie - Kill Bill: Volume1 was screened on 11 September. On the occasion of Onam, the movie Aavesham was Screened on 29 September.     September 2024

Programming Club


Introduction to ICPC    ICPC Camp 2024 brought together talented students from top colleges across India in an exciting collaboration on 11 September. This camp provides a fantastic platform for participants to sharpen their competitive programming skills and enhance their abilities



Intro to Open Source  An event designed to introduce the principles and philosophies of open source, along with guidance on how to start contributing and get involved in open source projects was held on 10 September. It was an inspiring

 The Hacking Club


Introduction to OSINT The Hacking Club organised an insightful session on Mastering Google, on 9 September where participants explored Capture the Flag (CTF) strategies and the art of OSINT (open-source intelligence). From beginners to experienced (more…)

Decore – The Design Club


Intro to Photoshop   Decore hosted an exciting "Intro to Photoshop" event on 6 September. Attendees had the opportunity to unlock (more…)

Astronautics Club


Space Station Spotlight  The International Space Station (ISS) was visible from the IIITH campus on several days at the following times: 6th: 4:45 am; ·7th: 7:00 pm; 8th: 4:45 am; 9th: 4:00 am; 10th: 3:00 am and 5:00 am 11th: