Decore – The Design Club


Fresher’s Intro Video Decore filmed the 2024 edition of the annual Freshers' introduction video during Felicity Buzz on 5 October. The shoot took place across several campus locations, including the Football ground, Amphitheatre, VC, JC, and Felicity (more…)



Sports Quiz  The club hosted a fun-filled day with both sports events and a quiz to test participants’ skills in each. After a series of quizzes, they switched gears and brought some action into the mix! (more…)



Handbrawl Continuing last year’s tradition, the club hosted a modified handball-style tournament as part of Felicity on 5 October. The two-day event drew enthusiastic participation from all batches, including UG, PG, and MS students. (more…)



What’s Buzzing?   On the 5 and 6 of October, photography enthusiasts were invited to capture the eerie charm of Felicity Buzz. From mysterious shadows to spine-chilling vibes around campus, the event showcased some of the most haunting and (more…)



Veil of Lies  The play, Veil of Lies, produced by Cyclorama during Felicity Buzz on 5 October, captivated the audience with its intricate storyline and compelling performances. Set against a backdrop of mystery and deception, Veil of Lies delves (more…)

Programming Club


ICPC CAMP Contests ICPC CAMP Contests were held every weekend - 6, 13, 20 and 27 October allowing participants to build their skills and prepare for the official ICPC competition. (more…)