Programming Club
Beginners Meet – Greedy and Adhoc An insightful session on Greedy and Adhoc algorithms, covering topics such as prefix and suffix arrays (1D/2D), Kadane’s algorithm, and a problem-solving session was held on 16 January. (more…)
Astronautics Club
Movie Night - Interstellar A special screening of Interstellar for friends in SH1—an epic journey through space awaited was hosted on 11 January. (more…)
The Design Club conducted a Video Editing Workshop on 10 November for club members. Basics of video editing such as editing video clips - trimming, cutting, adding effects, etc. and audio clips - syncing with video clips, adding multiple audio
Gaming Club
The Gaming Club conducted College Rivals on 13 November. The event, sponsored by Boompanda, was a dynamic and interactive experience featuring a gaming truck and various activity zones. Attendees explored highlights such as a Kreo Keyboard station, PlayStations, TVS Apache
The Open-Source Developers Group (OSDG) conducted an Intro to GSOC event on 11 November which provided participants with a comprehensive overview of the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program. Attendees were guided through the application process step by step, with