Programming Club


Beginners Meet – Greedy and Adhoc An insightful session on Greedy and Adhoc algorithms, covering topics such as prefix and suffix arrays (1D/2D), Kadane’s algorithm, and a problem-solving session was held on 16 January. (more…)

Astronautics Club


Movie Night - Interstellar A special screening of Interstellar for friends in SH1—an epic journey through space awaited was hosted on 11 January. (more…)



The Design Club conducted a Video Editing Workshop on 10 November for club members. Basics of video editing such as editing video clips - trimming, cutting, adding effects, etc. and audio clips - syncing with video clips, adding multiple audio

Gaming Club


The Gaming Club conducted College Rivals on 13 November. The event, sponsored by Boompanda, was a dynamic and interactive experience featuring a gaming truck and various activity zones. Attendees explored highlights such as a Kreo Keyboard station, PlayStations, TVS Apache



The Open-Source Developers Group (OSDG) conducted an Intro to GSOC event on 11 November which provided participants with a comprehensive overview of the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program. Attendees were guided through the application process step by step, with

Chess Club


The chess event Puzzle Battle held on 10 November featured engaging activities across all skill divisions. Participants of intermediate and advanced divisions competed on Lichess Puzzle Racer, accumulating points using (more…)