Students Queer Club


Gayme Night Gayme Night was a fun-filled event organised by the Queer Club on 5 October. The event was open to all allies and (more…)

Open Source Developers Group (OSDG)


Intro to Open Source The Intro to Open Source session covered the core philosophies behind Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), (more…)

The Dance Crew (TDC)


Prom 2023 On 4 October, The Dance Crew (TDC) hosted an unforgettable prom in Bakul warehouse, which was transformed (more…)



DSLR Workshop & Photowalk Pentaprism organized a Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) Workshop and Photowalk" at the IIITH campus, (more…)

The Debate Society (Debsoc)


Debate Workshop Debsoc conducted an introductory workshop to teach students the fundamentals in debate and public speaking. (more…)

The Design Club (Decore)


Ready. Set. Flip! Decore held its induction event, 'Ready. Set. Flip!', on 12 August, in H-105. The event was a contest for a unique art (more…)