Insert Token 


The Gaming Club introduced a new event, Insert Token which was held on 8 and 9 April at Vindhya SH1.  It is an exhilarating format of the Tri-Tokens Team Tournament! This unique competition pits teams of three against each other



Meltdown, IIITH’s flagship rock and metal event was conducted by the  Music Club on 23 and 24 March at the institute amphitheatre. Meltdown is a music event where bands from both inside and outside the college perform. The high energy

ERC x RRC Line Follower Challenge


ERC x RRC Line Follower Challenge, a collaborative effort between Electronics and Robotics club (ERC) and Robotics Research Center (RRC) was held on 11 March. The event unfolded in two distinct stages, each presenting its own set of tracks and

Editing Gala


Editing Gala, a photo editing workshop and contest was conducted on 14 March by Pentaprism. In this workshop the students learnt the basics of Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom. And later an editing competition was conducted based on the event.

Hip Hop Workshop


A Hip Hop Dance Workshop was conducted by the Dance Crew for students on 20 March. The workshop led by Ms. Harsha Maheshwari was a very new experience for all of them, as unlike regular dance workshops that teach and



Navrang Intra-college dance competition with three broad categories - Classical, Freestyle solo, Freestyle Group was held on 10 March by the Dance Crew. Students across all batches were invited to perform. March 2024