Sambhav Solanki
Sambhav Solanki supervised by Dr. Sujit P Gujar received his Master of Science – Dual Degree in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). Here’s a summary of his research work on Optimizing Federated Agents For Fairness And Privacy In Bandits: (more…)
K Ganesh Chandan
K Ganesh Chandan supervised by Dr. Deva Priyakumar U received his Master of Science – Dual Degree in Computational Natural Science (CNS). Here’s a summary of his research work on Identifying Latent Biases In Drug Design and AdvancingMolecular Structure Generation
V Vijay Vignesh
V Vijay Vignesh supervised by Dr. Deva Priyakumar U received his Master of Science – Dual Degree in Computational Natural Science (CNS). Here’s a summary of his research work on Strategic Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Focus on Public
Mayank Modi
Mayank Modi supervised by Dr. Prabhakar Bhimalapuram received his Master of Science – Dual Degree in Computational Natural Science (CNS). Here’s a summary of his research work on Promoting auto-ionization in water: A coarse grained approach: (more…)
N Venkata Sathya Vivek
Nannaka Venkata Sathya Vivek supervised by Dr. Rehana Shaik received his Master of Science – Dual Degree in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). Here’s a summary of his research work on Observational Analysis of Compound Warm, Dry, Wet and Cold
Sushil Umasudhan Wins Silver at IOI 24
When IIITH’s Sushil Raaja Umasudhan won the silver medal at the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI-2024) at Alexandria recently, it was his third international medal. He is currently ranked second in India and placed among the top 15% of the