Information Forensics and Security
November 2022 Research work by Dr. Ashok Kumar Das, his graduated PhD student Dr. Mohammad Wazid and his research collaborators Prof. Sachin Shetty, Prof. Joel J P C Rodrigues and Prof. Mohsen Guizani published their research work on AISCM-FH: AI-Enabled
Physical Review Letters
October 2022 Dr. Shantanav Chakraborty’s research work on Quadratic Speedup for Spatial Search by Continuous-Time Quantum Walk was published in Physical Review Letters. The other authors of this paper are Simon Apers, IRIF, CNRS, Paris, France; Leonardo Novo, INL, International
Computer Speech & Language Journal
September 2022 Dowlagar Suman working under the supervision of Dr. Radhika Mamidi published a paper on A code-mixed task-oriented dialog dataset for medical domain in one of the top ranked journals - Computer Speech & Language. The journal is ranked
IEEE – Geoscience and Remote Sensing letters...
Prof. Rajan K S and Mahesh Pathakoti, a Ph.D student working with Prof. Rajan published a paper on Ground-Based Remote Sensing of Total Columnar CO2, CH4, and CO Using EM27/SUN FTIR Spectrometer at a Suburban Location (Shadnagar) in India and
Nature – Scientific Reports
Dr. S Rehana and her student M Rajesh from Hydroclimatic Research Group, Lab for Spatial Informatics published a paper on Impact of climate change on river water temperature and dissolved oxygen: Indian riverine thermal regimes in Nature - Scientific Reports.