

Dr. Syed Azeemuddin and his Ph.D student Salma Khan published a paper on ProHys PUF: A Proteresis - Hysteresis switch based Physical Unclonable Function in Integration -  The VLSI Journal (Elsevier). The other author of this paper is Mohammed Arifuddin

Physical Review A


Dr. Siddhartha Das and his student Abhishek Sadhu, Ph.D student at Raman Research Institute, Bangalore published a paper on Testing of quantum nonlocal correlations under constrained free will and imperfect detectors in Physical Review A Journal. Abhishek is the first and



December 2022 Prof. P Krishna Reddy and his students published the following papers in Springer: A framework for itemset placement with diversification for retail businesses - Appl. Intell. 52(12): 14541-14559 (2022) Research work as explained by Anirban Mondal, Raghav Mittal,

Transactions on Information Forensics and Security...


December 2022 Research work by Dr. Ashok Kumar Das and his students Anusha Vangala, Ph.D; Ankush Mitra  graduated M.Tech-CSIS and his research collaborators Sajal K Das, IEEE Fellow, Professor of Computer Science and Daniel St. Clair Endowed Chair, Department of

IEEE Internet of Things Journal


December 2022 Research work by Dr. Ashok Kumar Das, his students Prakash Tekchandani,  PhD; Indranil Pradhan, graduated MTech-CSIS  and his research collaborators Prof. Neeraj Kumar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Thapar University, Patiala  and Prof. Youngho Park, School of

Physical Review Applied


November 2022 Research work by Dr. Siddhartha Das on Upper Bounds on Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution Rates in Static and Dynamic Scenarios was published in Physical Review Applied on 10 November.  The others authors of this paper are Eneet Kaur,