SCI Journal


Dr. P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao’s research work on An Overview of Performance‑Based Seismic Design Framework for Reinforced Concrete Frame Buildings has been published in the Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering (SCI Journal). The co-author

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering


Dr. P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao and his student Vashisht R wrote the following chapters in Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering at the proceedings of 17th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering (Vol. 2).   Seismic Performance of Different Typologies of Stone Masonry

Chemical Information and Modeling


Dr. Marimuthu Krishnan and his student Keshavan Seshadri published a paper on Molecular Dynamics and Machine Learning Study of Adrenaline Dynamics in the Binding Pocket of GPCR in Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, in  Machine learning and Deep Learning

Current Science


Pulkit Dilip Velani working under the supervision of Prof. Pradeep Kumar R published a paper on Approximate natural period expression for reinforced concrete tall buildings in India in Current Science.  Research work as explained by the authors: Many tall buildings

AGU Journal


Mahesh Pathakoti working under the supervision of Prof. K S Rajan published a paper on Implications of Emission Sources and Biosphere Exchange on Temporal Variations of CO2 and δ 13C Using Continuous Atmospheric Measurements at Shadnagar (India) in AGU Journal

New Journal of Physics


Prof. Arun Kumar Pati and his student Som Kanjilal published a paper on Entanglement meter: estimation of entanglement with single copy in interferometer in New Journal of Physics. The other author of his paper is Vivek Pandey, Harish-Chandra Research Institute,