IEEE Sensors Journal


The following papers have been accepted in  IEEE Sensors Journal:    Deployable Edge AI Solution for Posture Classification using mmWave Radar and Low Computation Machine Learning Model by Dr. Abhishek Srivastava and his student Pranjal Mahajan, MS ECE 2nd Year;

Springer publications


Rohan Vashist, Ph.D student, Dr. P Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao and Prof. Pradeep Kumar Ramancharla (Director, CSIR-CBRI Roorkee) published a Book Chapter on A Review on Construction Techniques and Structural Restoration of Ancient Masonry Buildings in  Springer publications. The study

Dr. Saurabh Todariya edits book


Dr. Saurabh Todariya  edited a book on AI, Consciousness and The New Humanism:  Fundamental Reflections on Minds and Machines, published by Springer. The editors of  this are Sangeetha Menon (NIAS, Bangalore) and Tilak Agerwala (Pace University & IB). April 2024

Human Studies Journal


Dr. Saurabh Todariya published a paper on Embodiment and Disorientation: A Phenomenological Analysis of Work from Home during COVID-19 in Human Studies Journal. The other authors of this paper are Dr. Neha Aggarwal, Post-doc Scholar, ICSSR, New-Delhi and Kriti Trehan,

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences


Dr. Vinoo Alluri, and Prof. Petri Toiviainen, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland published a paper on The naturalistic paradigm: An approach to studying individual variability in neural underpinnings of music perception in the journal - Annals of the New York

Science Direct


Dr. Vinoo Alluri and her student Sai Siddharth Duvvada published a paper on Structural and functional pathology in cocaine use disorder with polysubstance use: A multimodal fusion approach structural-functional pathology in cocaine use disorder in Science Direct - Progress in