Gowri Lekshmy – Fingerprint disentanglement


Gowri Lekshmy, supervised by Prof. Anoop Namboodiri  received her Master of Science - Dual Degree in  Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE).  Here’s a summary of her research work on Fingerprint Disentanglement for Presentation Attack Generalization Across Sensors and Materials: In

D Sirikonda – Surface geometries on PRT


Dhawal Sirikonda, supervised by Prof. P J Narayanan  received his Master of Science in  Computer Science and Engineering (CSE).  Here’s a summary of his research work on Real-time rendering of arbitrary surface geometries on PRT using learnt transfer: Precomputed Radiance

Dantu Swati – Robotic systems


Dantu Swati, supervised by Dr. Spandan Roy  received her Master of Science in  Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE).  Here’s a summary of her research work on Adaptive artificial time delay control for robotic systems: Artificial time delay controller was conceptualised

Saksham G – Prediction in breast cancer


Saksham Gupta, supervised by Dr. Nita Parekh received his Master of Science – Dual Degree in Computational Natural Sciences (CNS). Here’s a summary of his research work on Receptor status prediction in breast cancer patients from DNA: Breast cancer continues

Anmol Goel – Linguistic ambiguity


Anmol Goel, supervised by Prof. Ponnurangam Kumaraguru received his Master of Science in  Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). Here’s a summary of his research work on Beyond the surface: A computational exploration of linguistic ambiguity: The issue of ambiguity in

Akshat Gahoi – Improve machine translation


Akshat Gahoi,  supervised by Prof. Dipti M Sharma received his Master of Science – Dual Degree in  Computational Linguistics (CL). Here’s a summary of his research work on Using domain knowledge to improve machine translation in Indian languages: In this