How AI is Helping Rural School Kids
A multi-partner project spearheaded by the Raj Reddy Center for Technology and Society aims to supplement high school Science instruction in regional languages via an AI solution that operates sans internet. “Kanti ante yemti”? (What is light?), asks Lakshmi* (name
This ML Engineer Finds The Right Fit
Dual degree student, Anirudh Palutla from the Centre for Computational Natural Sciences and Bioinformatics (CCNSB) is all set to unravel biological enigmas at the Janelia Research Campus in Virginia, US. Anirudh Palutla may appear as a young man of leisure
IIITH Volunteers for Election Duty
Even as the dust may yet be settling on Telangana’s Dance of Democracy, IIITH takes a moment to acknowledge the efforts of its own who are part of the veritable army helping citizens exercise their franchise. It is around 4.30am
Makarand Tapaswi
Makarand Tapaswi is a story-teller. A youthful confluence of industry and academia, he brings the best of industry practice as Senior ML Scientist at Wadhwani AI to his role as Assistant Professor at IIIT Hyderabad’s CVIT, working on AI projects
IIITH Research Reveals Chinks In Mobile Passwords
The discovery about autofill functionality in Android-based apps accidentally leaking login credentials to the apps hosting the webpages will be presented at BlackHat Europe 2023, one of the most prestigious events for Information Security. Password managers long touted as the
IIITH celebrates its 25 years
IIIT Hyderabad celebrated its 25th anniversary from 1 - 3 September. Several workshops, talks, cultural programs, alumni reunions and more were organised during these 3 days. On the first day of the celebrations, IIITH announced the appointment of its new