Dr. Rehana Shaik


August 2022 Dr. Rehana Shaik gave an expert talk on Climate change impacts on water quantity and quality management at the Department of Civil Engineering, Sri Venkateswara University College of Engineering, Tirupathi as a part of Birth Centenary Celebrations of

Ihita G speaks at Generation Connect Youth Summit


July 2022 Ihita Gangavarapu, MS student in SPCRC working in IoT security under the guidance of Dr. Sachin Chaudhari was invited by  International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and supported by the Government of Canada to speak and engage in the Generation

Dr. Rehana Shaik at NIT Jamshedpur


Dr. Rehana Shaik gave an invited talk on Climate Change Impacts on River Water Quality Management in the Department of Civil Engineering at National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur for their Faculty Development Program on Computational Advances in Water Resources Modelling.

Nimmi Rangaswamy


[month] [year] Dr. Nimmi Rangaswamy gave a keynote talk on Digital Dilettante and the Creation of Romance: A study of Youth Sub-stratum in the Digital Shadow lands of India at the Digital Intimacy: Young Women & Social Transformation in Asia  Symposium

Dr. P Pravin K V Rao


Dr. P. Pravin Kumar Venkat Rao  gave an online lecture on Seismic design philosophy and earthquake resistant design of steel structures to the UG students of Architecture and Planning at D Y Patil College of Architecture, Akurdi, Pune on 24

Dr. Raman Saxena


Dr. Raman Saxena was an invited  speaker for a fireside chat  session by Wells Fargo, conducted by Mr. Neelkant Rawal, Digital Product Management Executive and Head of Strategy, Digital, and Innovation, India & Philippines on 22  April.  The fireside chat