Dagstuhl Seminar


Dr. Karthik Vaidhyanathan and Dr. Raghu Reddy participated in the esteemed Dagstuhl seminar on Software Architecture and Machine learning in Dagstuhl, Germany from 23 to 28 July.  Dagstuhl seminar  is regarded as one of the most prestigious, invitation-only workshops and

Faculty promotions 2023


The following faculty members have been promoted: Prof.  Ashok Kumar Das, Center for Security, Theory and Algorithms (CSTAR) has been promoted as a Professor. His research areas are cryptography, network security, system security, blockchain, security in Internet of Things (IoT),

Dr. S Gujar receives Best paper award at HCI-Games...


Research work of Dr. Sujit Gujar on Your Favorite Gameplay Speaks Volumes about You: Predicting User Behavior and Hexad Type has been awarded the Best Paper Award at HCI International 2023 held at Copenhagen, Denmark from 23 - 28 July.

Adobe Research Gift Awards


Adobe Inc. has awarded Prof. Vasudeva Varma, Dr. Sujit Gujar and Dr. Makarand Tapaswi $20,000.00 USD each for their research activities. The award is in the form of an unrestricted gift to the academic institution under the names of the

Dr. Chittaranjan Hens


Research work done by Dr. Chittaranjan Hens on Emergent stability in complex network dynamics has been published in Nature Physics. Dr. Hens is affiliated to the Physics and Applied Mathematics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata,  and Center for Computational Natural Sciences

Dr. Ashok Kumar Das


The 9th edition of Research.com recognizes Dr. Ashok Kumar Das as best scientist in the discipline of Computer Science. His D-index is 65; Citations is 12,220; Publications is 270; world ranking is 1,560 and national ranking is 10. Research.com ranking