Tarangini Amphitheatre Inaugurated


Tarangini, IIIT Hyderabad's new amphitheatre was formally inaugurated by Director Prof. P. J. Narayanan on 23 March 2018. Prof. Dipti Misra Sharma, Chair Students' Affairs Committee (SAC); Prof. Pradeep Kumar Ramancharla, Registrar; Prof. Govindarajulu; Dr. Radhika Mamidi, Chair SLC; Dr.

Night Cricket Match


PEC organized a night cricket match at the football field during 31 March to 1 April, from 6pm - 11pm. Team 123 with 33 runs were the winners while team Snake Risers with 32 runs were runner-up. Students enjoyed the

7th National Level Inter Engineering Colleges Spor...


IIIT-H students won several trophies at the 7th National Level Inter Engineering Colleges Sports Fest - 2018, organized by Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad on 27 March. The winners of various sporting events are: Winners Badminton Girls Singles –

Badminton Tournament


PEC organized a badminton tournament on 18 March, at Deepthisri Nagar Sports Club. This resulted in 4th year undergraduates as winners and 3rd year undergraduates as runners-up among students. Dr. Raghu Reddy and Dr. K. S. Kamalakar were the winners and

Abhivyakti – a theatre workshop


Supriya Shukla a research scholar from Department of Theatre Arts, University of Hyderabad has been conducting a theatre workshop, Abhivyakti from 18 March - 10 April. It is open to faculty, staff and students of IIIT-H. Spread over 20 days

Music concert by Prof. Subhendu Ghosh


From Folk to Classical by Prof. Subhendu Ghosh,  a music concert on 24 March, at the newly inaugurated amphitheatre took the audience through a journey from Indian folk songs to the ragas. Prof. Ghosh has performed at several places in