Farewell event for graduating students
A farewell event for graduating students was held on 14 April at Felicity Ground. It included speeches by faculty and student, award distribution, and dinner with the outgoing batch at the institute guest house lawns.
The Last Leaf & Other Stories
The cultural wing of Student Life Committee (SLC) organized a drama performance - The Last Leaf - and other stories on 10 April at the institute amphitheatre. The drama was performed by students who took part in Abhivyakti - Theatre
Cultural Night
The annual inter-house cultural night was conducted at Felicity Ground on 8 April.
Power Yoga
A workshop for weight loss though power yoga was conducted at Nirvana (Yoga Hall) from 4 - 14 April. Power yoga is a fitness- based practice where movements between poses are accompanied by regulated breathing to increase stamina, strength and
Academic Council Meeting
The 13th meeting of the the Academic Council was held on 24 March, 2018. Jayanthi Sivaswamy, Dean (Academics) presented a proposal for the "Revised UG Curriculum-2018" to the council, which was discussed by them and approved. The revised curriculum will
R&D Showcase 2018
The 17th edition of R&D Showcase included 280 posters, demos and models for visitors to browse through. It saw participation from corporate R&D heads, students and faculty from engineering colleges, industry professionals and technology savvy general public. The theme for