Sporting Events


Night cricket premier league - 2019 On 30 - 31 March, 52 teams with 8 players per team ( a total of 416 students) participated in a game of night cricket. Team Risers 2.0  won and Lusk Tapas 2.0 were

Meditation Camp


A Meditation Camp was conducted from 28 March to 2 April at Nirvana, NBH Yoga Hall, where participants were taught various meditation techniques.

Holi  celebrations


Holi was celebrated  on 20 and 21 March at IIIT-H. At the Heartful Holi Workshop on 20th evening, students explored practical approaches to self-development in the context of Holi - the festival of colours. This followed by  Holika Dahan at Felicity

Mahindra Ecole Centrale (MEC) Cricket tournament


IIIT-H cricket team qualified for the semi-finals of the Mahindra Ecole Centrale (MEC) cricket tournament after two convincing victories, one of which was a thrilling win against the home team itself making it really special. Shanmukh Dontu was the man

IIITH vs BHEL football match


IIITH and BHEL played a friendly football match  on 19 February at IIITH football ground. IIITH won the game by 4 goals to nil and all the goals were scored by Vinay Singh. Vinay Singh who usually plays at the

R&D Showcase 2019


IIIT Hyderabad’s annual R&D showcase on 23 and 24 Feb was a big draw. The 2-day event saw the general public interacting with faculty and students to understand their work in more tangible forms through demos, prototypes and presentations in