Induction 2022 by APEX


November 2022 The new batch of UG2022 students started arriving on campus towards the end of October. The APEX organised a campus tour, cluster meets, and events to familiarise the students with the new environment. The Clubs Council had a

Freshers Night


November 2022 The Cultural Council team conducted Freshers’ Night and Flair, a talent round on 12 November at Amphitheater. The first round of Flair was an intra-house round and was conducted by the house captains. Each house was given 25

Creativity, fun and bonding with UG1 students


November 2022 As part of the UG1 induction programme, Dr. Radhika Mamidi and team organised a  fun interaction for the UG1 session on 2 November. The aim of this session was to allow the new students to relax, loosen up



November 2022 Dance Crew IIITH organized its flagship event Navrang - a solo and group dance competition  on  5 November, which included a plethora of fascinating performances comprising 7 graceful classical, 6 peppy folk and 18 groovy western dances performed

Campus Life –  opportunity or threat?


November 2022 The campus well-being team organised an interactive session with Dr. Kiranmayi Bapi, Ph.D in Psychology on campus life - is it an opportunity or a threat? on 16 November. Dr. Kiranmayi uses biographical counseling and has extensive experience

Annual Sports Meet 2022


November 2022 The Physical Education Center and Students Sports Council jointly organized the 22nd Annual Sports Meet on 29 and 30 October. The opening ceremony was held on 29 October at the institute football ground and the closing ceremony was