Octave 2023


Octave 2023, an inter house music competition that celebrates the harmony of diverse genres and languages was held on the evening of 6 October at the institute amphitheatre Tarangani. As the first music event of the academic year, this musical

Gandhi Jayanti Celebrations


On 2 October IIITH family celebrated Gandhi Jayanti, a day that resonates deeply with the principles of selflessness and community service. Gandhi Jayanti holds a special place in our hearts as it serves as a poignant reminder of the timeless

Ganesh Chaturthi Celebrations


Campus Life Council organised Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations on 19 September on campus, bringing together the campus community and strengthening bonds to seek blessings from the remover of obstacles.  The programme included Vigraha Sthapana (installation of Ganesh Idol) at the guest

Janmashtami Celebrations


Janmashtami was celebrated on campus at the institute guest house on 6 and 7 September. The celebrations began with Matka phod on the evening of 6 September at Tarangani Amphitheatre. On 7 September Lord Krishn’s puja was conducted by faculty



FunFridays formerly known as Budh Assembly was restarted on 18 August after a gap of nearly 3 years. FunFridays will be held  once a month. The main objective of the event is for the staff to get to know each

77th Independence Day


On 15 August, IIIT Hyderabad celebrated India’s 77th independence day at Tarangini amphitheatre. The event began with flag hoisting by Prof. P J Narayanan followed by the national anthem, Director’s address, Registrar's address, oath taking by students parliament secretary, speaker,