Book Exhibition
The IIITH library is organizing a Book Exhibition from 18 to 20 January where leading publishers/distributors and book-sellers brought a wide collection of International and Indian books in Computer Science, Electronics and Communication, Civil Engineering, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences
Hindustani Vocal Concert by J Mevundi
The Cultural wing of SLC in coordination with Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music And Culture Amongst Youth (SPIC MACAY) organized Hindustani Vocal Concert by Sri. Jaytheerath Mevundi on 24 January. Sri. Jaytheerath Mevundi was accompanied by Sri.
75th Republic Day Celebrations
IIITH celebrated India’s 75th Republic Day on 26 January at the institute football ground. Celebrations began with a welcome address by the Chair-SLC, march past by students and security guards, after which Prof. P J Narayanan hoisted the national flag
Staff IT skills training
The non-teaching staff were trained on IT skills on 20 January at Teaching Lab-3 by IT Team members Mohammed Hafiz and Kiran Kumar Tankashala. The IT team will be conducting these sessions in 3 batches over a period of 2
Bhogi, Lohri and Makar Sankranti Celebrations
IIIT Hyderabad community celebrated Bhogi and Lohri on 14 January and Makar Sankranti on 15 January at Felicity Ground. Bhogi was celebrated on the morning of 14 January by lighting a bonfire at Felicity ground. And Lohri and DJ Night
Sahaja Yoga by Dr. Hemant K Meena
An interactive session on well-being with the help of Sahaja Yoga was conducted by Dr. Hemant Kumar Meena, Department of Electrical Engineering Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur (An Institute of National Importance, MoE, Govt. of India) on 18 December.