Best Paper Award at iCAEED-2024


Research work on Application of SWMM for Urban Storm Water Management- A Case Study of Hyderabad City by Dr.  Shaik Rehana and her Ph.D student Satish Kumar Mummidivarapu  was awarded the best paper award at the 3rd International Conference on

Prof. P Krishna Reddy member of IQAC at MGIT


Prof. P Krishna Reddy has been appointed as a member - nominee from the local society of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) for the Academic Year 2024 - 2025 by the  Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology (MGIT), Hyderabad. December 2024

IIITH Student Wins First Prize In Naval Hackathon


The award-winning solution which bagged a cash prize of 3 lakhs demonstrates robustness of an optical tracking algorithm that can not only enhance navigation but also enable real-time tracking of autonomous flying objects. As part of the Indian Navy’s Innovation

Tanvi Kamble


Tanvi Kamble  supervised by Dr. Manish Shrivastava  received her Master of Science –  Dual Degree  in Computational Linguistics (LCD). Here’s a summary of her research work on Enhancing Event Causality Detection in English and Hindi Languages: (more…)

Anvita Reddy Katipelly


Anvita Reddy Katipelly supervised by Dr. Radhika Krishnan  received her Master of Science – Dual Degree in Computing and Human Sciences (CHS). Here’s a summary of her research work on A Comparative, Multi-scalar Analysis of Coal Mining in Manuguru and

Gupta Saksham Munish


Gupta Saksham Munish supervised by Dr. Spandan Roy received his Master of Science in  Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE). Here’s a summary of his research work on Adaptive Control of Quadrotor under Actuator Loss and Unknown State-dependent Dynamics: (more…)