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ISEC 2021

Dr. Y Raghu Reddy and his students have presented the following papers virtually at the 14th Innovations in Software Engineering Conference (ISEC 2021), KIIT – Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar from 25 – 27 February.


  • Using a project-based approach to teach design patterns: An Experience ReportSai Anirudh Karre, Lalit Mohan S, and Y Raghu Reddy. Research work as briefly explained by the authors: 


This work is about sharing our experiences in teaching code smells and design patterns using a project-based learning approach to students in a Software Engineering course at IIIT Hyderabad.

  • Understanding Software Quality Metrics for Virtual Reality Products – Mohit Kuri, Sai Anirudh Karre, Y. Raghu Reddy. Research work as briefly explained by the authors: 

This work is a Systematic Mapping Study of the software quality metrics adopted by Virtual Reality practitioners for assessing the quality of their Virtual Reality products.

SQL Injection Vulnerability Identification from Text – Dhruv Parashar, Lalit Mohan S and Prof Y Raghu Reddy.  Research work as briefly explained by the authors: 

The work uses text extractive summarization techniques and supervised machine learning model to identify SQL injection information in web text and tweets. This work is part of SIREN project sponsored by DST, Government of India.

Innovations in Software Engineering Conference, ISEC (Formerly known as India Software Engineering Conference) is the annual conference of iSOFT, the India chapter of ACM SIGSOFT (isoft.acm.org) under the umbrella of ACM India. The 14th edition of the conference will be held in IN VIRTUAL MODE at Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, India. ISEC will bring together researchers and practitioners from across the world to share the results of their work.

The goal of the conference is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry to meet and share cutting-edge advancements in the field of software engineering.