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IIITH library provides online resources during COVID-19

IIITH library has subscribed to online journals and databases such as IEEE, ACM, Science Direct, Springer Journals, ASCE, JSTOR, INDIASTAT and SCOPUS. These resources can be accessed online through http://library.iiit.ac.in via VPN anytime, and from anywhere.

It has made special efforts to grant access to online courses and Free e-books with the support of IEEE publisher, Springer Nature, Cambridge Academic Publishing.

  • IEEE publisher is providing free access to a special selection of about 60 IEEE eLearning courses up to 30 April 2020.
  • Springer Nature  is providing free access to more than 400 key English text books across Springer Nature’s e-Books until 31 July 2020.
  • Cambridge Academic Publishing is providing free access to 700 textbooks in HTML format (Text book content is read only and cannot be downloaded) till 31 May 2020.