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20 June – 8 July 

The 11th Advanced Summer School on NLP (IASNLP-2022) is scheduled to be held at IIIT Hyderabad from 20 June – 8 July 2022. This advanced school like its previous iterations aims to introduce participants to advanced topics and current research in the context of Indian language NLP. The theme for IASNLP-2022 is Speech to Speech Machine Translation (SSMT) in Indian Languages.

With Multilinguality one of the defining features of the Indian republic with 22 officially recognised languages and a recent thrust on making more content available in Indian languages, this year’s theme hopes to familiarise participants with the challenges of developing and working through a cascaded speech to speech translation pipeline that includes Automatic Speech Recognition, Machine Translation and Text to Speech systems. The school also along with highlighting issues around data and deployment of such systems to end users.

The summer school is meant to be project oriented along with a lecture track where noted researchers from the field will provide an overview and introduction to a number of topics in line with the theme. Right at the start of the school, participants will choose a project (from a list to be floated) and will be mentored during the two week period to come up with substantial work which will then be presented at an open symposium on the concluding day of the summer school.


Important Dates:

IASNLP-2022 Announcement : 06-May-2022

Registration Open : 06-May-2022

Registration Close : 30-May-2022

Notification of Acceptance : 02-May-2022

Acceptance Confirmation & Fee Payment : 06-June-2022


Summer School : 20-June-2022 to 08-July-2022

Preschool : 20-June-2022 to 21-June-2022

Project work : Till 08-July-2022

Mode : Physical


Who can Apply:

3rd year + Bachelor Students & PG Students

Engineering; CSE, IT, ECE, other related areas and Science

Linguistics Students


Independent Researchers


To Apply: https://forms.office.com/r/4MNRc0gvy1