Telugu Wikipedia: Rally For Knowledge Rivers
Since January 2020, every weekend a motley crowd makes its way to the Nilgiri building at IIIT-H in search of the T3 lab. They are students, homemakers, retired professionals, journalists and school teachers. There’s even a scientist from BARC and
Building A Brain Atlas: For Indians, By Indians
IIITH researchers create first-ever Indian Brain Atlas demonstrating significant differences in size and structure of the average Indian brain vis-a-vis Caucasian as well as other Eastern brains. Future work in this direction is aimed at creating atlases for different age-groups
Innovation by Design in Healthcare
I was a very young girl of five or six when I heard about my great grandfather, an Ayurvedic physician, who had saved the lives of many, including my own father, using treatments he pioneered. I was particularly fascinated by
Medical Devices Get Real With Next Gen Tech
This medtech startup gives you an immersive experience by letting you see and feel complex medical equipment remotely. In an edited conversation with the CEO of NexRea, Dr. Ramya Gujjula, we find out how it all began, what they do
When MIT Interns Came A-Visiting
From visiting the Chowmahalla Palace and the Charminar to walking alongside the Hussain Sagar, from eating Hyderabadi biryani to craving for the deep-fried potato served for Friday lunches at the mess, from riding the Metro to taking the ubiquitous Uber,
Custom Term Papers Is Handy For Managing Staff Tur...
Custom Term Papers Is Handy For Managing Staff Turn-over Custom made term newspapers are available for businesses that possess a higher level of staff turnover, and it is a inevitable phenomenon within most businesses. Many staff members have abandoned their