IIIT-H’s Computer Vision Lab In Focus


IIIT-H researchers from the Centre for Visual Information Technology made their mark in the international arena by presenting papers at 3 of the most distinguished conferences in the field of computer vision. Here’s a brief look at the conferences and

IIIT-H Researcher Sreekavitha Parupalli Develops L...


In conversation with Sreekavitha Parupalli, an MS by Research graduate from the Centre for Exact Humanities who speaks of her research work inspired by the vision of the Late. Prof. Navjyoti Singh and how it has enabled her to contribute

The Science Behind Smart Buildings, Cool Roofs and...


When the Telangana Principal Secretary Arvind Kumar made a statement at the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco last month that Hyderabad intends to convert 1,000 buildings to ‘cool roofs’ as part of the city’s Heat Action Plan for

Eminent Visiting Scientist To Set Up First Biometr...


Legend has it that he is on the speed dial of the Senate and other security agencies of the United States of America. A suggestion he dismisses with a laugh, saying he’s not *that* important, admitting though that he does

Tales Of Then And Now: Alumni-Turned-Faculty Speak...


From playing hide-and-seek on the very same grounds to conducting classes and courses there, from holding other professors in awe to being able to inspire others, this is a group of alumni who have received degrees like the B.Tech, M.Tech

IIIT-H Research Students Win Google ‘Build For I...


To make its products more relevant to Indians, Google is working on a host of initiatives especially customized for its Indian audiences. From working with Indian language publishers, to bringing more relevant content online, to launching a new feature in