Research Is Not All Ha Ha, Hee Hee


On the heels of the recently concluded 11th Humour Research Conference, we find out just why humour research is not a laughing matter at the Language Technologies Research Centre (LTRC).  Joking one’s way through a crisis has long been considered

Finding Math in a Slice of Citrus Fruit


Such exciting mysteries were the topic of intense debate at the Teaching the Learning Brain 2021 workshop for primary school teachers held earlier this month.  Researchers at IIITH’s Neuro-cognitive Science Research laboratory have been working on getting educators to take

ASR makes the world your oyster


IIITH is poised to disrupt Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) in India by building a six language multi-lingual system by August 2021. Prof. Anil Kumar Vuppala from IIITH’s Speech Processing Lab helps deconstruct this emerging industry. Industry pundits forecast that the

Standing On The Shoulders Of Srinivasa Ramanujan


When 27-year-old Dual Degree student Sumit Kumar Jha quietly revealed the publication of not one but three single-author papers during the course of the tumultuous 2020, the research community sat up and noticed. We probed a bit to first learn

The Universe Is Parallel And Other Thoughts


Kishore Kothapalli is a Professor at the Centre for Security, Theory and Algorithmic Research (CSTAR), IIITH. He strikes a balance between teaching courses on Algorithms and Distributed Systems while diving into research in Parallel Computing. He has recently been selected

IIITH Researchers Set Stage For Artistic AI Video ...


After an unprecedented year, live entertainment is set to make a comeback in 2021 with live audiences et al. However experts are of the opinion that a hybrid model where the same performance is recorded and streamed will also co-exist.