IIITH Music Data Studies Shed Light On Mental Heal...


While much of prior research linking depression with various musical engagement strategies has relied only on data collected via standard questionnaires, this is the first time that naturally occurring music consumption through streaming platforms has been examined to reveal insightful

Eat.Sleep.Code? Not Quite.


While the International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad has a prevailing competitive coding culture, to ignore its non-geeky vibrant side would be missing the complete picture. Here’s an attempt to compile some of the non-academic activities that seem to be

IIITH’s Child Trafficking Serious Game Presented...


Technological advances have come in handy for promoting awareness about social issues. Students at IIITH demonstrate an immersive and transformative experience with a game on child trafficking which was also shortlisted for the Best Paper Award at the the IEEE

IIITH’s Early Studies On Radio Frequency Bio...


Researchers at the International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad have conducted an experimental study of radio frequency-based sensing of antigens that has potential impact on the current widespread use of chemical-based diagnostic testing.  An early diagnosis and subsequent treatment of

Prof. Madhava Krishna: The Man Behind The Intellig...


In this month’s ‘Know Your Professor’ series, we catch up with Prof. Madhav Krishna. Head of the Robotics Research Centre and the Kohli Center on Intelligent Systems, this self-confessed “shy” professor who would rather let his work do all the

Living A Life Of Learning


Sai Prasad Gollapudi recently obtained his doctorate in Computer Science and Engineering, a process that he began in 2009. As a living example of the adage, ‘You’re never too old to learn’, the 52-year-old talks of his motivations behind going