New Parliament Student General Secretary & Sp...


The General Secretary and Speaker were elected internally, with nominations open from all batches. Each candidate had to answer multitude of questions from the current members of Parliament. The new General Secretary Yaswanth Naidu Singampalli secured 25 votes  out of

Play Park wins at BITS Hyderabad Cultural Fest


Abhivyakti, the drama club of IIIT-H performed two plays Fasaad and Park in Natyashastram, the inter college dramatics competition (stage-play) at Pearl, BITS Hyderabad’s annual cultural festival on 25 March. Park, written by Manav Kaul, was the winner among 6

Felicity ’19 coordinators


Swarnim Shukla, Aashish Dondeti and Oishika Pradhan have been elected Felicity coordinators for Felicity 2019. This is the first time that a woman student (Oishika Pradhan) has been elected as a Felicity coordinator.

Google India Ph.D Fellowship


Avijit Dasgupta, a second year Ph.D student won the Google India Ph.D. Fellowship for Machine Perception, Speech Technology and Computer Vision. Avijit is pursuing his research in computer vision and machine learning under the joint supervision of Prof. C V

TooWeakTooSlow in ACM-ICPC World Finals


IIIT-H Team TooWeakTooSlow - Tanuj Khattar (4th year B.Tech - CSE), CG Vedant (4th year B.Tech - CSE) and Rajas Vanjape (4th year CSD-Dual Degree) - have qualified for the World Finals of the ACM-ICPC programming competition to be held

Sneha Jain


Sneha Jain, MS by Research student received a Building Energy Efficiency Higher and Advanced Network (BHAVAN) Internship to work at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), USA for six months.