Prof. P Krishna Reddy made Steering Committee Chai...


Prof. P Krishna Reddy was Steering Committee Chair and Publication Chair at the Seventh International Conference on Big Data Analytics (BDA 2019) from 17 - 20 December at Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad. 

Vinoo Alluri and her student D Niranjan receive be...


Research work of Vinoo Alluri and her student D Niranjan on Dynamic Functional Connectivity in the Musical Brain was awarded best paper at the 12th International Conference on Brain Informatics - Brain Science meets Artificial Intelligence, Hainan, China from 13

PEC Coach, P Shiva Shalini selected for Osmania Un...


PEC Coach P Shiva Shalini has been selected to be a part of the Osmania University women’s hockey team. She  participated in the South Zone Inter University Hockey Tournament in Chennai last month. Interestingly, Shalini learnt to play hockey at

Tanashree Jaganade receieves Best Poster Award and...


Tanashree Jaganade (Ph.D in Bioinformatics, student of Dr. Deva Priyakumar) received the first best poster award for her work on Unravelling dynamics and energetic events involved in flipping process of Thymine Glycol lesion using computational approaches at Australasia's premier Molecular

CCNSB student Utkarsh Azad receives Best Paper awa...


Utkarsh Azad, Center for Computational Natural Sciences and Bioinformatics (CCNSB) and Lakshya Priyadarshi, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, IET Lucknow received the best paper award for their research on Noise Analysis of Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm on Weighted Max-Cut

Prof. Rajeev Sangal Faculty Fellowship


By a faculty member…for a faculty member… on the name of a faculty member… Prof. Ponnurangam Kumaraguru (PK), Computer Science Department, IIIT Delhi created a teaching and research fellowship for fellow faculty members, from the funds he and his wife