SERC Kicks off Remote Internship on Open Source
Any student worth their salt knows the value of “industry experience”. Marrying convenience with opportunity is a novel initiative by the Software Engineering Research Centre (SERC) at IIIT-H. Let’s find out more about it. A productive combination of academics and
Of Meaningful Impact: How IIIT-H Is Going A STEP F...
“From tomorrow, the average age of the institute will go up by 10 years,” said Prof. P J Narayanan, Director of IIIT-H, a tad wistfully. He was speaking at the concluding ceremony of the annual outreach activity that the institute undertakes
Summer Schools on Computer Vision and Machine Lear...
How Do You Want To Spend Your Summers? IIIT-H presents an opportunity for those interested in diving into Computer Vision and Machine Learning with its summer schools. Sign up to learn more and to interact with leading experts in these
All India Rollout of IIIT-H Executive Programs
IIIT-Hyderabad and Talent Sprint announced the All India roll out of their popular executive programs on AI and Machine Learning as well as Blockchain and Digital Ledger Technologies. Since their launch in 2018 in Hyderabad and Bengaluru, these hybrid executive
Panini Linguistics Olympiad
The Panini Linguistics Olympiad ( and the camp concluded on 15 May. Two teams will represent India in the International Linguistics Olympiad ( to be held in South Korea in July-Aug 2019. You can see most members of the two
The MedTech Ecosystem In Hyderabad Has A New Addre...
The Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) at IIIT-H continues its decennial celebratory streak with the inauguration of a specialized incubator for medtech startups. With its well-lit working spaces and open design, the incubator is aptly titled Ojas - the