12 – 15 Dec


IIIT-Hyderabad hosted the  Fifth International Conference on Big Data Analytics (BDA 2017) on campus. Students and faculty presented the following papers at the event: Vikram Pudi, Pratibha Rani, Abhijit Mitra, Indira Ghosh - Computational Core for Plant Metabolomics: A Case

13 – 15 Dec


IIIT-Hyderabad students and faculty presented the following papers at 5th International Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration (MIKE 2017) conference, Hyderabad: Harika Abburi, Rajendra Prasath, Manish Shrivastava, Suryakanth V Gangashetty - Significance of DNN-AM for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis Hari Krishna Vydana,

14 – 18 Dec


Dr. Aniket Alam participated in a reading and writing workshop at Goa University.

16 – 19 Dec


IIIT-Hyderabad students and faculty presented the following papers at the Sixth National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG 2017), Mandi, Himachal Pradesh: Anurag Ghosh and C.V.Jawahar - SmartTennisTV: Automatic indexing of tennis videos Viral Parekh,

16 – 20 Dec


Akash Agrawall, Shubh Maheshwari, Projit Bandyopadhyay and Venkatesh Choppella presented a paper on Modelling and Mitigation of Cross-Origin Request Attacks on FIM (Federated Identity Management) Using CORP (Cross Origin Request Policy) at the13th International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS

18 – 21  Dec


IIIT-Hyderabad students and faculty presented the following papers at the 14th International Conference of Natural Language Processing, ICON 2017 at Jadavpur University, Kolkata Prathyusha Jwalapuram and Radhika Mamidi: Handling Multi-Sentence Queries in a Domain Independent Dialogue System Pruthwik Mishra, Vandan