Gayatri Purigilla – COVID-19 tweets


Gayatri Purigilla, supervised by Dr. Radhika Mamidi received her Master of Science – Dual Degree in Computational Linguistics (CL). Here’s a summary of her research work on Automatic classification of conversational humour with a focus on COVID-19 tweets: We humans

Sahil Manoj Bhatt – Natural Language Generat...


Sahil Manoj Bhatt received his Master of Science - Dual Degree in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). His research work was supervised by Dr. Manish Shrivastava. Here’s a summary of his research work on Domain-Specific Pretrained Models For Natural Language

Rishabh Dev Yadav – Autonomous Vehicle


Rishabh Dev Yadav received his Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). His research work was supervised by Dr. Spandan Roy . Here’s a summary of his research work on Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for Autonomous Vehicle: Multi-robot

Madhav Agarwal – Face Re-enactment


Madhav Agarwal received his Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). His research work was supervised by Prof. C V Jawahar. Here’s a summary of his research work on Face Re-enactment: Crafting Realistic Talking Heads for Enhanced Video

Jai Bardhan – Particle Physics


Jai Bardhan   received his Master of Science – Dual Degree in Computational Natural Sciences (CNS). His research work was supervised by Dr.Subhadip Mitra. Here’s a summary of his research work on Revisiting Deep Learning for Particle Physics: The Large

Y  P K Gururaj – Virtual Reality Applicatio...


Yendigeri Pawan Kumar Gururaj received his Master of Science in  Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE). His research work was supervised by Dr. Azeemuddin Syed. Here’s a summary of her research work on Development of Customizable Head Mounted Device for Virtual