Dr. Ritesh Khunyakari


Dr. Ritesh Khunyakari, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Azim Premji School of Education, Hyderabad gave a talk on Mediating science learning through design cognition on 15 February. The talk was jointly organised by Human Sciences Research Group (HSRG), Raj

Dr. Xavier Hinaut


Dr. Xavier Hinaut,  INRIA, Bordeaux gave a talk on Reservoir SMILES: Towards SensoriMotor Interaction of Language and Embodiment of Symbols with Reservoir Architectures on 23 January. Here is the summary of Dr. Xavier Hinaut in his words: Language involves several

Dr. Rama Govindaraju


December 2022 Dr. Rama Govindaraju, Director of Engineering at Google gave a talk on Planet Scale Computing Infrastructure - Challenges and Opportunities  on 12 December.  A brief summary of  Dr. Rama Govindaraju’s  talk in his words:  There are at least

Prof. Ujwal Gadiraju


December 2022 Prof. Ujwal Gadiraju, Delft University, Netherlands gave an invited talk Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence – A Crowd Computing Perspective on 12 December.  A brief summary of Prof. Ujwal Gadiraju’s  talk in his words:  The unprecedented rise in the adoption

Prof. Taji Suzuki


December 2022 Prof. Taiji Suzuki, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Informatics at the University of Tokyo gave a talk on Convergence of Mean Field Gradient Langevin Dynamics for Optimizing two-layer neural networks on 13 December. A brief summary of Prof.

Suheim Sheikh


November 2022 Mr. Suheim Sheikh gave a talk to 1st year UG students on 26 November on his life journey. From an IITM (BTech in CS)  in the late ‘80s to starting, to going through an acquisition process of his