Talk on Dynamic music processing in the brain by V...
Dr. Vinoo Alluri gave a talk on Dynamic music processing in the brain at RITMO Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Rhythm, Time and Motion, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway in November.
Prof. P Krishna Reddy’s workshops and talks
Prof. P Krishna Reddy organised the following workshops and gave the following talks: Workshop on Data Science for Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (DSANRM 2019) in conjunction with International Conference on Big Data Analytics 2019 from 17 - 20 December.
CSD student Vaibhav Gupta interns at Google and Fa...
Vaibhav Gupta, 5th year student of Computer Science and Engineering Dual Degree (CSD) working under the supervision of Prof. Praveen Paruchuri interned at Google, Munich (May - August) and Facebook, London (September - November). As a SRE intern at Google,
MS by Research student Elizabeth Jasmi George pres...
Elizabeth Jasmi George, MS by Research (CSE) working under the supervision of Dr. Radhika Mamidi presented a paper on Conversational implicatures in English dialogue: Annotated dataset at the 8th Symposium on Natural Language Processing (NLP'19) at Indian Institute of Information
High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (H...
Dr. Kishore Kothapalli and his student Dharma teja Vooturi presented a paper on "Efficient Sparse Neural Networks using Regularized Multi Block Sparsity Pattern on a GPU" at the 26th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics(HiPC-2019) in
Ph.D student Hari Hara Suthan presents paper at Gl...
Hari Hara Suthan C, Ph.D student working under the supervision of Dr. Prasad Krishnan presented a paper on Low Subpacketization Coded Caching via Projective Geometry for Broadcast and D2D Networks at IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM -2019), Waikoloa, Hawaii,