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Scientific Reports

Dr. Vinoo Alluri and her student Yudhik Agarwal published a paper on Decoding Individual differences and musical preference via music-induced movement in the journal Scientific Reports. The other authors of this paper are Emily Carlson and  Petri Toiviainen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.

Research work as explained by the authors:

Movement is a universal response to music, with dance often taking place in social settings. Although previous work has suggested that socially relevant information, such as personality and gender, are encoded in dance movement, the generalizability of previous work is limited. The current study aims to decode dancers’ gender, personality traits, and music preference from music-induced movements. We propose a method that predicts such individual difference from free dance movements, and demonstrate the robustness of the proposed method by using two data sets collected using different musical stimuli. In addition, we introduce a novel measure to explore the relative importance of different joints in predicting individual differences. Results demonstrated near perfect classification of gender, and notably high prediction of personality and music preferences. Furthermore, learned models demonstrated generalizability across datasets highlighting the importance of certain joints in intrinsic movement patterns specific to individual differences. Results further support theories of embodied music cognition and the role of bodily movement in musical experiences by demonstrating the influence of gender, personality, and music preferences on embodied responses to heard music.

Scientific Reports is an open access journal publishing original research from across all areas of the natural sciences, psychology, medicine and engineering.

Full paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-06466-3