Prateek Saxena received his Master of Science- Dual Degree in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). His research work was supervised by Dr. Soma Paul. Here’s a summary of his research work on Handling Idiomatic Expressions in English:
Idiomatic expressions have always been a bottleneck for language comprehension and natural language understanding, specifically for tasks like Machine Translation(MT) and Natural Language Understanding(NLU). MT systems predominantly produce literal translations of idiomatic expressions as they do not exhibit generic and linguistically deterministic patterns which can be utilized for the comprehension of the non-compositional meaning of the expressions. These expressions occur in parallel corpora used for training, but due to the comparatively high occurrences of the constituent words of idiomatic expressions in a literal context, the idiomatic meaning gets overpowered by the compositional meaning of the expression. The absence of data with a large coverage and quantity of idiomatic expressions exacerbates the issue to handling them further. Our work aims to provide a method of handling idiomatic expressions which not only suggests a pipeline for the task but also enables a process of data creation from subsequent steps which can be used in further downstream tasks.
State-of-the-art metaphor detection systems are able to detect non-compositional usage at word level but miss out on idiosyncratic phrasal idiomatic expressions. This creates a dire need for a dataset with a wider coverage and higher occurrence of commonly occurring idiomatic expressions, the spans of which can be used for Metaphor Detection. With this in mind, we present our English Possible Idiomatic Expressions(EPIE) corpus containing 25206 sentences labelled with lexical instances of 717 idiomatic expressions. These spans also cover literal usages for the given set of idiomatic expressions. We also present the utility of our dataset by using it to train a sequence labelling module and testing on three independent datasets with high accuracy, precision and recall scores.
Natural Language Understanding has made recent advancements where context-aware token representation and word disambiguation have become possible to a large extent. In this scenario, comprehension of phrasal semantics particularly in the context of multi word expressions (MWE) and idioms, is the subsequent task to be addressed. Word level metaphor detection is unable to handle phrases or MWE(s) which occur in both literal and idiomatic context. State of the art transformer architectures can be useful in this context, but the absence of a large comprehensive dataset is a bottleneck. In this paper, we present a labelled EPIE dataset containing 3136 occurrences for 358 formal idioms. To prove the efficacy of our dataset, we also train a sequence classification model effectively and perform cross dataset evaluation on three independent datasets. Our method achieves good results on all datasets with F1 score of 96% on our test data, and 82%, 74% and 76% F1 score on SemEval All Words, SemEval Lex Sample, and PIE Corpus datasets respectively.
We have also utilized our disambiguation model in the shared task of disambiguation of german verbal idioms and our results are comparative to the state of the art results achieved for the task.
Phrasal replacement of idiomatic expressions is a non-trivial task as it aims at locally changing the idiomatic expression to another phrase which is semantically similar and more literal in nature, while keeping the rest of the sentence intact. We present a sentence aligned dataset of 3136 sentences of the labelled EPIE dataset with each sentence having a phrasally replaced counterpart containing the replaced phrase. We also present a sequence to sequence model for learning these replacements with good results.
March 2023