Dr. Siddhartha Das published a paper on Fundamental limitations on the device-independent quantum conference key agreement in Physical Review A journal. The other authors of this paper are Karol Horodecki, University of Gdańsk and Marek Winczewski, University of Gdańsk.
Research work as explained by the authors:
We provide several general upper bounds on the rate of a key secure against a quantum adversary in the device-independent conference key agreement (DI-CKA) scenario. They include bounds by reduced entanglement measures and those based on multipartite secrecy monotones such as a multipartite squashed entanglement-based measure, which we refer to as reduced c-squashed entanglement. We compare the latter bound with the known lower bound for the protocol of conference key distillation based on the parity Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt game. We also show that the gap between the DI-CKA rate and the device-dependent rate is inherited from the bipartite gap between device-independent and device-dependent key rates, giving examples that exhibit the strict gap.
Full paper: https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevA.105.022604
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