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Memory in a Digital Age

August 2022

Dr. Vishnu Sreekumar gave a talk on  Understanding the semantic and temporal structure of episodic context: A neurocognitive and cross-cultural perspective at the International Conference on Memory in a Digital Age at IIT Madras from 23 – 25 August.

The talk included some of his prior work but also highlighted the new work his group is doing at IIITH Memory and Neurodynamics (MANDA) lab, investigating the neural dynamics underlying task-focused thought vs mind-wandering (a small component of a larger project that seeks to understand the internal and external factors that influence neural dynamics that are critical for memory formation and retrieval), using experience-sampling to characterize the nature of spontaneous and covert memory retrieval, investigating event-cognition using ego-centric movies, and finally, some work at the intersection of language and memory using Hindi and English semantic networks to understand the different network-based and individual word-level features that influence memorability of different words.