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Best poster award at ICSA 2024

IIIT Undergraduate students along with Dr. Karthik Vaidhyanthan bagged  the best poster award at ICSA 2024 held at IIIT Hyderabad from 4 to 8 June. The poster was based on the research work done by Hiya Bhatt, Shrikara A, Adyansh Kakran and Karthik Vaidhyanthan on Towards Architecting Sustainable MLOps: A Self-Adaptation Approach. ICSA is the premier conference (Core A) for software architecture researchers and practitioners.

Here is the summary of their research work: In today’s dynamic technological landscape, sustainability has emerged as a pivotal concern, especially with respect to architecting Machine Learning enabled Systems (MLS). Many ML models fail in transitioning to production, primarily hindered by uncertainties due to data variations, evolving requirements, and model instabilities. Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) offers a promising solution by enhancing adaptability and technical sustainability in MLS. However, MLOps itself faces challenges related to environmental impact, technical maintenance, and economic concerns. Over the years, self-adaptation has emerged as a potential solution to handle uncertainties. This paper introduces a novel approach employing self-adaptive principles integrated into the MLOps architecture through a MAPE-K loop to bolster MLOps sustainability. By autonomously responding to uncertainties, including data, model dynamics, and environmental variations, our approach aims to address the sustainability concerns of a given MLOps pipeline identified by an architect at design time. Further, we implement the method for a Smart City use case to display the capabilities of our approach.

Preprint: https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.04572

June 2024