Prof Ashwin Jayanti: Unusual Tale of the Philosoph...


It was during IIITH’s college fest that a guitar-toting existential professor suddenly shot up on to the campus radar. Prof. Ashwin Jayanti teaches a specially curated course called the Introduction to the Philosophy of Technology, that is pushing the realms

IIITH’s Unique E-Bike Charging Solution Overcome...


Game changing one-design-fits-all fabrication is not only compact and cost-effective, but is also based on the OCP protocol widely accepted world-wide.  The government may be pushing to make Indian automobiles 100% electric by 2030 - a number that was later

Lyrics to fine-tune Music emotion recognition


A sweet lyrical revolution is playing out at IIITH labs. The Cognitive Science laboratory worked on a Natural Language Processing-based Transformer model to identify emotions from the lyrics of a song, a hitherto underexplored area of study. We met with

Imbibing The Spirit of ‘Vasudaiva Kutumbakam’ ...


A game designed by IIITH professor Dr. Kavita Vemuri along with an alumni startup GoLive, as per requirements from Agastya Foundation, mirrors international pandemic diplomacy and sparks creative dialogue among exceptionally talented high school children.  Around 20-odd children in each

Joint Research Efforts Aim To Make Document Image ...


Researchers at the Centre for Visual Information Technology (CVIT), IIITH in collaboration with the Computer Vision Centre, Barcelona have been trying to create new frontiers in the visual question answering domain through a series of projects and challenges.  While technology

Novel Shape Shifting Drone That Adapts To Cargo Si...


Researchers from the Robotics Research Centre at the International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad have unveiled a working prototype of a flexible drone that changes its shape to fit the size of package to be lifted. Size Matters. Ask 24-year-old