India’s Digital Pathology Dataset Paves Way for ...


In a boost to India-centric clinical research and development, IIITH in collaboration with Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS), Hyderabad has unveiled publicly available datasets comprising digitized histopathological images of brain cancer and kidney disease (Lupus Nephritis).  The India Pathology

GenAI Tech by IIITH Team Enhances Accessibility Fo...


As part of the Government-led initiative to create AI models exclusively tailored for India’s diverse cultures and languages, BharatGen formally launches e-VikrAI - an e-commerce tool for Indian languages.  While democratising AI has been the goal of many research groups

IIITH Shows A Simple Stethoscope Can Give Voice To...


Researchers demonstrate how a wireless stethoscope converts behind-the-ear vibrations - heard as non-audible whispers- into intelligible speech even in a ‘zero-shot’ setting. Stephen Hawking knew the importance of being heard. He wrote in his memoir, ”One’s voice is very important.

Large Language Models and Retrieval Augmented Gene...


Prof. Manish Shrivastava explains how Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) optimises output of large language models and improves the quality of their responses. Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as powerful tools for processing and generating human-like text. These models, such

Gaming Their Gig: Study Shows How Delivery Workers...


“... what one earns is how much one has broken ground, sped in dangerous traffic, and delivered food at doorsteps without hoping for a tip…,” remarks a food delivery worker wryly. He is referring to his typical work day which in

Language Tech Through The Ages


Prof. Dipti Misra Sharma traces the evolution of language and language technologies before summarising the research developments in the space that are taking place at IIITH. Perhaps the single-most distinguishing feature of humankind is its ability to speak. While other