IIITH Alumni Startups InterviewBit and Scaler Acad...

They say college friends are your friends for life. This sure holds true for IIITH…

Richa Gupta

Flex, The Way Ahead

International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad (IIITH)’s semester-long course on Flexible Electronics is a one-of-its-kind…

Sarita Chebbi

The Scientist Behind Our Digital Everyday

As a 17-year-old, it was an encounter with Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) faculty prior…

Sarita Chebbi

The Forced Summer Without Pants And What It Means ...

The global outbreak of the novel CoronaVirus has affected not just the way we live…


Completing Spring 2020 Semester Entirely Online in...

The corona virus shocked and seriously disturbed everyone including the educational institutions. The autonomous, undergraduate-dominated,…

Prof P J Narayanan

Community in the Time of CoronaVirus

Nutritious, wholesome meals, packed in convenient and functional boxes from IIITH’s Community Kitchen are snaking…

Sarita Chebbi